The topic is about Accupoint Software which has two scalable database management software applications for use in the manufacturing, service and distribution industries:
- OpLink - Quality Management Software. OpLink combines an easy to use
graphical interface with powerful management analysis tools to create an
intuitive software application that requires very little staff training.
The application is designed for companies required to meet the requirements
of the ISO 9001:2008 international standard.
- EcoLink - Environmental Management Software. The EcoLink application
offers a complete program to facilitate the implementation and
administration of an environmental management system (EMS). Flexible and
easy to use, EcoLink provides a cost effective method to manage your
processes and minimize your organization's environmental impact.
Our presenter is Jeffrey Cianciola, President of Accupoint Software.
Jeff Cianciola has 25 years of experience in the manufacturing quality
assurance, operations and application software development. Jeff is
currently the Vice President/CFO/CIO for Metal & Wire Products Company.
Prior to that, Jeff was Lead programmer at Multimedia Animation, a computer
animation studio located in Columbus, Ohio.